A Social Media Strategy for Final Project

Audience: Since my project covers race riots and massacres during the end of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, one of my target audiences are be those thirteen and over. My project will obviously not appeal to most young kids. While, I feel the project will especially appeal to African Americans, my target audience is the overall American population. In addition, I want my project to appeal to the general public, but especially young adult audiences who do not commonly understand the importance of history nor intrigued by it. History scholars will most likely know about the history of these riots, thus this project is designed to appeal to those who do not possess a great understanding of this aspect of American history.

Platforms: I am not an avid social media user, however I can encourage those in my social circle to promote my project on their social media. Seemingly, Facebook would be the premier source that they would use to spread the word about my project.

Message: I want my audience to understand that race riots have occurred almost in every state and have been a part of U.S. history which has not been commonly told. I want them to recognize the other reality of America. They commonly may know of the America which espouses freedom and equality, but not much about the America which allowed these riots to occur while simultaneously supposedly, fighting for democracy during WW 1 and oppressing its minority population while also fighting the Nazis. Once light is shed on the two differing realities of America, freedom and equality for whites and historically subjugation of blacks and other minorities, then true and constructive dialogue can occur about the changes that need to take place in the U.S. Overall, I want the audience to have a better understanding of history of violence against African Americans in this country and thus comprehend their continued grievances.

Measure: I will measure the success of my strategy by analyzing the comments I receive about my project. I’m more concerned with the project causing better race relations through the accurate understanding of violence against blacks and thus ways to heal the divide between black and whites, than the project attaining a huge audience.

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